Low-emission zone in Duisburg

From 1 October 2008 onward, a emissions sticker is required in the German city of Duisburg. On this page we will explain everything you need to know about the low-emission zone. If you will also visit other places in Germany, this list of all cities with low-emission zones may be useful. More about the emissions sticker itself can be read on the homepage of this website.

Order the German emissions sticker

Order your sticker

Order the official German emissions sticker, now for only €15,95 including VAT and delivery costs.

Map of the low-emission zone in Duisburg

map: Umweltzone in Duisburg

On the map above, the low-emission zone of Duisburg is indicated with orange. Within this zone, a German emissions sticker is required for motorized vehicles. Since 2012, the zone of Duisburg is part of the much larger low-emission zone of the Ruhr area. This is why the orange area also extends to Mülheim, Oberhausen and even further east to Dortmund.


As in the rest of the Ruhr area, highways are not part of the low-emission zone. This means that if you enter and leave the zone on the A3, A40, A42 or the A59, an emissions sticker is not necessary. Unlike for example in Dortmund, there are no exceptions to reach the harbor or industrial areas of Duisburg. You still need a sticker to reach these parts.

Parking outside the low-emission zone

If you were unable to obtain an emissions sticker in time or if your vehicle is not eligible, you can still park outside the low-emission zone. The easiest option is to park at the Schauinsland-Reisen-Arena (Margaretenstraße 5-7, Duisburg) which is indicated with A on the map and which can be reached from highway A59. From the parking terrain next to the arena, you can easily walk to stations Duisburg-Schlenk on the S-Bahn and Kulturstraße on the U-Bahn, both of which bring you to the center of Duisburg in about 10 minutes.

Which emissions sticker do you need in Duisburg?

The green emissions sticker

In Duisburg the green emissions sticker is required, just as in almost all other German cities with a low-emission zone. If you drive within the low-emission zone of Duisburg without a sticker, you will be fined €100.

Availability of the emissions sticker for Duisburg

The green emissions sticker can either be bought online or at vehicle inspection companies such as DEKRA and TÜV. Many larger car dealerships will also be able to help you out. If you decide to buy your sticker on the road, please buy it before you reach Duisburg so that you will not accidentally risk a fine. Gas stations do not sell the sticker, unless it is a larger gas station with a vehicle inspection station attached to it.

Order your emissions sticker

If you want to buy your sticker online, you can use the order form on our website. If your vehicle is eligible for the green sticker, it will be sent to your home address within one working day. Together with your application, you will need to upload a copy of your vehicle registration certificate. Payment options include most common credit cards, SEPA bank transfer and Apple Pay.

What is there to see and do in Duisburg?


Duisburg is one of the largest cities of the Ruhr area and because of its strategic location on the Rhine, it also has the largest inland port of the world. Despite its industrial past, Duisburg hosts several tourist attractions worth seeing. Among these are the beautiful Salvatorkirche from the 14th century. The Lehmbruck-Museum with modern art and the Museum Küppersmühle in an old grain storage are nice for rainy days. By far the most popular attraction in Duisburg is the Landschaftspark Duisburg-Nord. This is an old blast furnace complex of Thyssen that has been opened to the public.

Order the German emissions sticker

Order your sticker

Order the official German emissions sticker, now for only €15,95 including VAT and delivery costs.

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