Low-emission zone in Munich

The German city of Munich introduced a low-emission zone on 1 October 2008. Within this zone, only vehicles with a German emissions sticker are allowed to be on the road. On this page we will tell you all you need to know about the low-emission zone and the emissions sticker in Munich. More about which vehicles are eligible for the sticker is explained on this page. Will you also visit other cities in Germany? Then have a look at this list of all low-emission zones.

Order the German emissions sticker

Order your sticker

Order the official German emissions sticker, now for only €15,95 including VAT and delivery costs.

Map of the low-emission zone of Munich

Carte de la zone à faibles émissions de Munich

The low-emission zone, the part of the city where an emissions sticker is required, is shown on the map above with orange. The inner ring road forms the border of the zone, which makes it very easy to determine where the zone starts. This also makes the low-emission zone of Munich much smaller than those in other large German cities. The suburbs and most industrial areas of Munich do not lie within the low-emission zone. Since 1 February 2023, the inner ring road is also part of the low-emission zone. This means that it is not allowed to drive on the ring road without an emissions sticker.

Parkeing outside the low-emission zone

If your vehicle is not eligible for the emissions sticker or if you do not have enough time to buy a sticker, then there are still plenty of possibilities to park outside the zone. On the map we marked a few P+R terrains from where it is easy to take the subway to the city center.

  1. P+R Olympiazentrum: 273 spaces, lines U3 and U8
  2. P+R Moosach: 280 spaces, lines S1 en U3
  3. P+R Studentenstadt: 405 spaces, line U6
  4. P+R Messestadt Ost: 1.075 spaces, line U2
  5. P+R Mangfallplatz: 255 spaces, line U1
  6. P+R Klinikum Großhadern: 308 spaces, line U6

For each P+R terrain we also included the number of parking spaces and the lines of the subway that take you to the city center. Of course, Munich is a large city with a lot of places to go to, but in general your trip on the subway should only take about 15 minutes.

Which emissions sticker do you need in Munich?

The green emissions sticker

Initially all colors of the German emissions sticker were allowed in Munich, but since 1 October 2012 the green sticker is required. If you have one of the older red or yellow stickers or no sticker, you risk a fine of €100.

Where can you buy the German emissions sticker?

The emissions sticker can be bought all over Germany at vehicle inspection companies such as A.T.U, DEKRA, and TÜV. You will have to bring a copy of your vehicle registration certificate and your sticker will be issued immediately. Do have a look a the opening times before you go though. During the weekends, most vehicle inspections companies are either closed or only open on Saturday morning. The emissions sticker is usually not for sale at gas stations, because these are not authorized to perform exhaust emission tests.

Order your emissions sticker

A quicker and easier way to buy your sticker is online. If you use the order form on our website, all you need to do is upload a copy of your vehicle registration certificate. This can be a scan or a photo made with your smart phone. After that, your emissions sticker will be issued within one working day and sent to your home address. Payment options include most common credit cards and SEPA bank transfer. For more information about the order process, please look at this list of frequently asked questions.

Diesel ban in Munich

As of February 1, 2023, a diesel ban is in effect within Munich’s low-emission zone. This ban applies to all vehicles with diesel engines that do not meet exhaust gas standard Euro 5 or higher. This means that even with an emissions sticker, you can still receive a fine if your car meets Euro 4. The fine amounts to €100, as high as the fine for not having an environmental sticker.

What is there to see and do in Munich?


Munich, called München in German, is a city with a lot of tourist attractions per square kilometer. Of course, there are the grand boulevards and palaces such as Schloss Nymphenburg and Schloss Schleissheim, from the time that Bavaria still was an independent kingdom. Another palace, the Münchner Residenz in the center of Munich, even is the largest city palace in Germany. Medieval city gates and the Marienplatz with the Neues Rathaus and the medieval Altes Rathaus are other popular destinations. Also do not forget to visit the Frauenkirche, the Englische Garten and BMW Welt.

Order the German emissions sticker

Order your sticker

Order the official German emissions sticker, now for only €15,95 including VAT and delivery costs.

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