Low-emission zone in Heilbronn

Since 1 January 2009, the German city of Heilbronn has a low-emission zone where an emissions sticker is required for motorized vehicles. In this article we will tell you everything you need to know about the situation in Heilbronn. Will you also visit other German cities? Then do not forget to look at this list of all German cities with a low-emission zone. More about low-emission zones in general and the German emissions sticker is explained here.

Map of the low-emission zone in Heilbronn

The low-emission zone of Heilbronn is shown with orange on the map above. Inside this zone, an emissions sticker is required for most motorized vehicles. As you can see, the low-emission zone of Heilbronn actually consists of three separate zones. This makes it easy for through traffic. As long as you follow the Neckartalstraße (indicated with the blue line) or the Hafenstraße on the other side of the river Neckar, an emissions sticker is not needed. The sticker is only necessary if you enter the city. The large industrial zone in between the city center and the A6 is also not part of the low-emission zone.

Parking outside the low-emission zone

If you want to visit Heilbronn but do not want to buy an emissions sticker, you can park outside the low-emission zone. To visit the historical city center, a good option is the parking terrain close to the bridge at the beginning of the Karlsruher Straße. It is indicated with A on the map. From here you can walk to the city center in about 15 minutes. Taking a tram from the nearby train station is also possible, but it will not save you much time.

Which emissions sticker do you need in Heilbronn?

The green emissions sticker

Heilbronn, like almost all German cities with a low-emission zone nowadays, requires the green emissions sticker. Most vehicles with a petrol engine after 1992 and with a diesel engine after 2005 are eligible for this sticker.

Availability of the emissions sticker

The emissions sticker can be bought all over Germany at vehicle inspection companies such as DEKRA, A.T.U or TÜV. Ask for an Umweltplakette and take your vehicle registration certificate with you. Car dealerships usually also sell the sticker, but gas stations along the highway do not. When planning your trip, be sure to check the opening times and buy your emissions sticker before you enter the low-emission zone of Heilbronn.

Order your emissions sticker

A more convenient way is to buy the sticker online, though you would have to place your order before you leave for Germany. If your vehicle is eligible, the green emissions sticker will be sent to your home address. Payment options include SEPA bank transfer, Apple Pay and most common credit cards. Look at this FAQ for more information about placing your order.

What is there to see and do in Heilbronn?


Image by lapping from Pixabay

At the end of the 19th century, Heilbronn was one of the largest industrial cities in southern Germany. Because of bombardments during the Second World War, very few architecture from the medieval period remains. Some buildings, such as the city hall, the Kilianuskerk and the Käthchenhaus have been restored in their original states. Heilbronn also has two interesting museums about archeology and physics to offer. With 124.000 inhabitants, it is one of the larger cities in the German state of Baden-Württemberg.

Order the German emissions sticker

Order your sticker

Order the official German emissions sticker, now for only €15,95 including VAT and delivery costs.

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